June 28, 2019
This is a list of all the projects I have worked on and my roles. (This page is under construction and incomplete). EA Sports Rugby for PS2 (2000) QA Released 18 years ago, this was the last EA sports game developed by The Creative Assembly, and it’s still one of the highest rated rugby games […]

June 4, 2019
Page Pending Description of the methods used to playtest the level and the key changes made through iteration.

Page Pending A description of the visual environment and the way lighting is used.

Page Pending A description of the audio visual methods used to guide the player through the level.

Page Pending This page will have a description of the levels setup in relation to the Ai’s arcs of fire and how they create areas of risk and areas where the player is safe.

Pending Content Description of the players movement flow and available cover, its effects on gameplay.

Pending Content Description of the levels rhythm and the methods I have been using to achieve it. Description of how I used iteration and play-testing to hone the rhythm

May 27, 2019
A Place to Start… Fire, smoke, and twisted metal. All that remains of the helicopter the Player rode in on lies before them, a visceral reminder of their “all or nothing” mission. Ahead of them the early morning chatter of birds is punctuated by harsh voices. The level opens with the player facing a small […]
"In response to the requests for cards I spent a couple of weeks generating all the art assets they required."

April 29, 2019
It’s getting near time I released Captain Kaon, it’s been five months in Early Access and it’s nearly done. I’m taking it to Rezzed next week, then I’ll come back and do the last things that need doing and pop it out the door. Now seems like a good opportunity to look back on how […]
"Captain Kaon has been an important first step and will hopefully be a platform for me to build on for years to come."

After regaling you with the tale of how I made Captain Kaon I have returned to tell you how I managed and promoted the project. This is an important side of game development. It doesn’t matter how good you are at art, code, and design, if you cannot manage your time and promote your game […]