First Encounter :: First Encounter

A Place to Start…

Fire, smoke, and twisted metal. All that remains of the helicopter the Player rode in on lies before them, a visceral reminder of their “all or nothing” mission. Ahead of them the early morning chatter of birds is punctuated by harsh voices.

The level opens with the player facing a small gorge. Through the gorge the area is lit, contrasting the shaded glade they are standing in. This, along with the path and torches, leads the players eye and prompts them to move in this direction. The narrowness of the gorge restricts the amount of visual information they receive, they don’t see all of the Ai at once, they see one, and then gradually more as they reach the end of the gorge .

The Enemy in Sight

Equipment checked, weapons ready, the Player steels themselves for their grime task. Distant voices grow clearer and louder as the Player edges through the gorge. A flash of colour moves through the bushes ahead of them, they tense and raise their sights.

Immediately in front of the player is a wide piece of rock for cover. From here they can observe a small camp of soldiers, amongst sand bags and ruins, without any risk. All of the enemy soldiers are to their front. The Ai is assigned to control zones arranged in three rows, which form battle lines. These enemies are presented as different skill challenges based on range and weaponry. This is a low intensity experience that eases the player into the level. They are able to choose how to engage, when to use stealth and when to open fire.

Exchange of Fire…

Chips fracture away from the rock as bullets slam into them, the Player is ducked down behind cover. A familiar bitterness bites at the back of their mouth as adrenaline surges through them.

Once the firefight has begun the player will have attracted the attention of the two snipers at the far end of the area. They will have to use the cover well and move around as they engage them. In the middle ground there is an assault rifle armed soldier that is an easier target. With a good aim the player will be able to reduce the fighting effectiveness of the opposing force and can then move forward.

Pushing Forward…

With tight trigger control the Player releases controlled bursts of fire, spent casings falling at their feet and a sulfurous smell burning their nostrils. As the enemy soldiers take cover the player seizes their opportunity and bursts forward through the empty air. A darting run across open ground, slamming into a sand bag wall, brings the Player closer to their targets.

An aggressive player will push forward into the lower ground ahead where they will find themselves shielded from the snipers by the a dip in the land. Using this protection they can remain out out of the line of fire and advance. But, they can not stay still for long as the defender can lob grenades at them and a patrol of reinforcements arrives from the left. With the initial intensity of the firefight calming down with each soldier killed, the arrival of this patrol will cause the player to re-evaluate their position and presents a new threat that the player will have to react to.

The Whites of their Eyes…

In amongst the crumbling ruins the soldiers panic and the Player remains calm. At close quarters their is no need for careful aim, a rapid charge and a vicious roar drives the Player through their ranks.

The player pushes forward into the ruins to finish of the last of the soldiers. The combat here is at close quarters with the player moving quickly between positions of cover and staying alert to the threat of an enemy moving around them. At this range it only takes a little movement from the Ai for threats to come at the player from different sides.

Taking a Breathe…

The Player kneels over the last of their enemy as they gasp for air, they have no regard for the soul as it departs. Already this mans magazine is in their hand. A small smile curls the side of the Players mouth, it’s heavy, mostly full, not many rounds fired.

Once the last soldiers falls there is a pause, the player can relax and re-organise. A sensible player will collect ammo from the fallen, a more cunning player will take the sniper rifle, exchanging it for their pistol. At the start of the engagement they will have learnt how effective their weapons are at long ranged combat, they will see the sniper rifle as a better weapon to use going forward.

A Lost Adventurer…

The stench of death is lingering in the air, floating out from a gap in the rock face. Steeling themselves the player crept forward, hugging the moss covered wall. A dull weight seemed to fill their stomach as a distant red light illuminated the scene. An unfortunate adventurer had strayed too close to the army and they had killed her for it. Her rotten remains lay amongst her scattered possessions and the flare that punctuated her distress.

A cautious and explorative player will have taken a look around the environment and seen a path that leads to a second gorge. When they enter this gorge a red flare will light up the scene ahead, confirming to them that there is something worth finding. They will discover a dead adventurer who has left behind a bow and arrows. This weapon rewards the explorative player with the option of silent kills with a bow.

I Wonder Where this Goes…

It does not end here, the Player has licked their wounds, but they know their task is not yet done. In the shade of a rock face flickering torches are illuminating an ornate arch. The path at the Players feet leads them through its jaws into the darkness beyond…

The paths around the camp all lead to the exit. It is a cave decorated with an arch and a statue, which are lit to help then stand out from the surrounding rock face, which is itself in shadow.

The Dank Cave >>